Since many years ago BUCH adoptated their products to the necessities of their customers. This experience allows developing many elements that actually offer to their customers to complete the processes with their equipment and even to improve the production respect machines from other brands.


Various tapping devices have been developed that can work with BUCH® equipment, with other equipment or even individually. We have units with 1 threading head and if the product requires it, it can be changed for a double head, which will double the threading speed.


The majority of BUCH machines start from coils of wire or strap, for the reason we have some decoilers wich adapts to each customer necessities. Those decoilers can be motorized (regulates velocity to unwind the material following the necessity) o simple decoilers, that turns in measure that the machine is pulling the material.

  • Decoilers of simple wire, can be of 500 or 1000kg
  • Motorized decoilers, can be of 500,1000 or 2500kg
  • Motorized strap decoilers, can be 150,500 or 1000kg

In addition to the aforementioned elements, other elements have been developed such as laminators, bevelers, centrifugal peelers…